Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Everyone else has a blog, why not me. . .

My husband made a blog while me and the kids were out of town. He seems to really like posting on it, but since he is very opinionated and likes to talk, i guess it's no big surprise.

My 8 year old son is glued to CNN election coverage right now. I tried to get him to change to Fox News, but he said that CNN was more visually appealing. It will be an interesting few hours or days or weeks to see how this will turn out.

I have randomly surfed blogs lately to see what they are about. I can't read a lot of them, since I'm limited to English only, but I have always been interested on how other people live. . .how people are different, but still the same. I am actually learning things, too.

This first blog is boring, and I'll try to get more interesting, but hey, this is the first post.

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