Saturday, March 14, 2009

The New Kitchen/Ax Men

We've taken the plunge. . .the kitchen cabinets have been ordered and paid for and the wait begins. It takes about a month for the company to make my cabinets and a day or two to put them in. The hard part will be the 1-4 weeks of waiting for the countertop to be made to fit the new cabinets. I decided to go for the project since there will never be a GOOD time to be without a kitchen, and my kitchen sucks. We have been searching for another house, but we can't find one we like, so we're fixing up this one.

I have to compliment Lowe's. So far Stacy the cabinet lady has been very helpful, and their system of installing the cabinets is very efficient.

I will have to post before and after pictures.

Also, any ideas for freeze ahead and heat in the microwave or oven meals would be appreciated.

On a different note. . .I read that some loggers on the show "Ax Men" got in trouble for removing trees from a stream. I haven't watched this new season of "Ax Men," but when I first saw the headline that some loggers on the show got in trouble with a regulatory agency, I thought it would be OSHA. Believe it or not, I was a Logging Coordinator for a forest products company for 8 years. If any of my loggers worked on my jobs with no safety equipment (like the guys on "Ax Men") I would have had to shut their job down. Using a chainsaw with no eye protection or saw chaps was unforgivable, not to mention extremely dangerous. I didn't work in the Pacific NW, so the terrain and conditions were different, but logging is never safe wherever you do it. I never had a contractor lose anyone while they worked with me, but one contractor I worked with lost 3 guys in a 5 year span. Most other contractors had a fatality at least once in their careers.

I do have to admit that I like to watch "Ax Men" when I can catch it. ( I would DVR it, but I'm having trouble getting to watch my DVR shows now that Lauren only takes one nap a day.) Watching the logging and activity in the woods brings back a lot of memories. I enjoyed my job immensely, and it was hard to give up. It is difficult to believe I used to tromp through the woods everyday with steel-toed boots and a hard hat in the Texas heat (with the snakes, wild hogs, and strange people who hung out in the woods).

I am probably one of the few people that would DVR both "Ax Men" and "The Real Housewives of . . ." Go figure.

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Virginia Janet said...
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