Saturday, January 24, 2009

Viruses, Homework, and Milk. . .oh my!

It's been a fun few days at our house. Keith has been very sick with some kind of upper respiratory virus. He has literally been in bed since Wednesday. Because of this, I have been sleeping on our not-so-comfortable couch (with Lauren, Christian, and some combination of dogs). I have not been getting much sleep, which scares me because I DO NOT want what Keith has, and lack of sleep won't help my immune system. I've been taking Airborne twice a day and hoping for the best. He is getting better, but it has been slow. I need to figure out how to disinfect the bedroom when this is all over. He is hoping to be back at work on Monday.

Found out Lauren can't eat cookies from the bread store. Poor kid. I don't know what to do about her dairy thing. She is supposed to grow out of it. I hope she does, but her reaction to dairy is worse than mine. I can eat 0g lactose cheese from Kraft-she can't. It must be more than the lactose, but we still don't know what.

Alex got his report card Friday and it was great, as usual. For all the complaining I do about the homework load he has, it hasn't burnt him out yet. For example, Thursday night's homework took him over 3 hours. Was it worth it? Will he pass his stupid TAKS test so the school can keep it's exemplary rating? Is the TAKS test going to improve his life?

Christian got his Kindergarten spot at PDS for next year. I got there super early in case there would be a line (only 24 Kindergarten spots available), but I had no problem. Now I just have to get Lauren in her class for next year, there will be a lot of competition on that day.

Gotta go do some laundry, dust the living room, vacuum. . . .(does the list ever end?)

1 comment:

Tri-Vet said...

Glad you have managed to not get sick. Can't imagine being that sick and trying to take care of the kids/house/etc. I agree with you on the homework thing. Pretty ridiculous to have THAT much homework in 3rd grade, come on! How many hours will he have by high school at that rate? And don't even get me started on the TAKS test. After being in TX schools for 11 years now, I can tell you it is a complete waste of time and I hope they get rid of it!