Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Wanna come over?

All the fun things. . .

1. The upstairs heater went out on Christmas Eve. Luckily it wasn't a big or expensive repair.

2. Somehow I burned a white circular stain into the kitchen table.

3. Christian has "fart-poops."

4. Lauren has "Lauren-rrhea."

5. We have rats in the garage.

6. I woke up this morning to the pitter-patter of rain coming from my living room. Nasty water heater pipe. Nice water stain on the ceiling. Maybe we can make pictures from them like looking at clouds and imagining what the shapes are.

7. Due to #6, I have not been to the grocery store today. Found a recipe for pork chops on the web that I had all of the ingredients for, so there's dinner. This is the third dinner in a row like this. Hopefully tomorrow I can get to the store.

Despite all of the above, I' m not a hysterical mess, things could be worse. It's just kind of funny how it all can hit at the same time.

Good thing: Lauren says "mommy" now on a regular basis, and it does mean that she wants me, which is nice.

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